“Every Second Counts” Stroke Presentation


Don’t miss the February session of Appling Healthcare’s Community Education series!

“With a Stroke, Every Second Counts”

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 27th

Location: Appling Healthcare Cafeteria

Times: Choose from 9-10am or 6-7pm

Hear directly from our Emergency Department, EMS, 和放射科团队讨论了为什么立即做出反应对于最小化中风潜在的长期影响至关重要.

You’ll also learn about:

  • Warning signs of a stroke
  • How to reduce your risk
  • Innovative treatments for stroke victims
  • 万博买球世界杯与奥古斯塔大学的合作伙伴关系,为万博买球世界杯的中风患者提供董事会认证的神经科医生的即时护理

Refreshments and snacks will be served. If you have questions, contact Jordan Jones, jonesja@applinghospital.org or (912)367-9841, ext. 2401.